Sunday, March 3, 2013

Seeds of Self-Sufficiency #5- It's not too late! Follow Along with Us!

Grow Your Own Container Garden
Who doesn't like eating fresh homegrown vegetables? They taste amazing! Whether you've got acres or a patio in which to grow yours, the steps are the same. Make this your healthiest year ever! Especially if you're new to gardening. We'll show you each easy step.
And, if you're just joining us in growing a garden, it's not too late. You can plants seeds up until two and a half months before a frost or very cold weather. That means, as late as August or early September in Madera County.
So, just scroll down to see the posts for each step starting with number #1 - #4 below, to learn how to do it right!

Seeds of Self-sufficiency #4- How to Get Your Garden to Grow with 1 Minute a Day

Fertilizing Your Container Garden
How to get the seeds to grow in your container garden. You’ve fertilized or used pre-fertilized soil. Now, water regularly to keep the soil evenly moist. That means every day in the spring, to start. It will take 1 to 2 weeks for the seeds to germinate with visible sprouts coming up through the soil. It’s important to never let the surface dry out during this germination period. You’ll want it to remain constantly moist. But not soggy!

You’ve got a garden! Now just spend one minute a day keeping it uniformly moist and you’re on your way!


Waiting is the Hardest Part

Seeds of Self-sufficiency #3- Find a Good Spot or Container and Plant Your Vegetable Seeds

Ready your container

No space to grow vegetables? Here’s how you can make an easy container garden.
Just start with a clean 5 gallon bucket. Drill or punch small drainage holes in the bottom, and fill with pre-fertilized organic soil. (Or use rich soil and add fertilizer to it) Leave about 1” space below the rim.

Poke a hole and Sow Your Seeds
Place the container in a sunny spot with at least 8 hours of sunshine a day. Raise the container (if using) with rocks to allow extra water to drain out. Fill with potting soil (preferably with organic fertilizer and organic soil)Space seeds about 6” apart. Push down each seed into the soil. The squash and corn will grow best pushed 2”down, and the beans, just 1” down. Cover lightly with soil and gently firm soil. Fertilize, water and you’re ready to maintain it.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Seeds of Self-Sufficiency #2- Get Vegetable Seeds Now!

Madera County Food Bank "3 Sisters"
Learn all about growing your own vegetable garden. Starting March 4thwe hand out vegetable seeds to the food needy and we'll be growing the “Three Sisters” of vegetables; Squash, Corn and Beans. The Native Americans grew and grouped these vegetables together for a reason. The vertical nature of the corn stalk provides a trellis for the “Pole beans” to grow along for support. The squash has a horizontal direction of growth that served as an edible ground cover, which not only kept the weeds away, but also provided shade for the corn's very shallow roots. They also helped keep the ground moist, which helped the beans grow, which helped the corn grow higher, which made for longer bean vines and yields. Get some seeds today and follow along with the complete beginner steps to learn to grow your own food. Delicious and healthy!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Seeds of Self-Sufficiency #1- Begins Now!

Start a small garden with us today!
Watch as we literally sow the seeds of self-sufficiency in Madera County! This spring we’re giving out a limited number of free garden vegetable seeds to assist the food needy in learning how to grow their own food.
Our volunteer novice gardener is learning along with us, showing us how easy it is to create your own vegetable garden at home. If you're new to gardening, this is the place to learn how. Whether you have a sizable backyard or limited space, we'll show you how simple it is to grow corn, squash and green beans. You'll be eating fresh and healthy in no time!